Alice and Alan: 小宝今天八个月了
Alice and Alan: 挤眉弄眼
Alice and Alan: 喜笑颜开
Alice and Alan: 宝相庄严
Alice and Alan: 好逗的宝
Alice and Alan: Alice唱小燕子, 穿花衣
Alice and Alan: 狮子吼
Alice and Alan: 笑眯眯
Alice and Alan: 双下巴小和尚
Alice and Alan: 瞧瞧我这腿儿
Alice and Alan: 我酷吧?
Alice and Alan: 聪明的一休
Alice and Alan: 顾影自怜--弟弟版
Alice and Alan: 行动自如
Alice and Alan: 伪装potty time
Alice and Alan: 乐呵宝
Alice and Alan: 今天貌似两边都双眼皮了 :)
Alice and Alan: 姐姐兴高采烈拉弟弟合影
Alice and Alan: 弟弟不领情, 哇哇大哭
Alice and Alan: 伤心的弟弟和郁闷的姐姐
Alice and Alan: 趁姐姐不在, 我也来学习学习
Alice and Alan: 学得还挺认真
Alice and Alan: 很有点办公的意思
Alice and Alan: 同桌共读
Alice and Alan: 帅儿子
Alice and Alan: 四颗牙
Alice and Alan: Peek-a-boo
Alice and Alan: 两个娃娃挑一担
Alice and Alan: 好久不见