Alice and Alan: 帅哥今天半岁了
Alice and Alan: 一边单一边双的眼皮
Alice and Alan: making faces
Alice and Alan: 娱乐弟弟不遗余力 :D
Alice and Alan: 若有所思
Alice and Alan: 笑弥勒
Alice and Alan: 有主意的宝
Alice and Alan: 我长了个下门牙
Alice and Alan: 又给我穿姐姐的衣服
Alice and Alan: 杂耍的
Alice and Alan: 还要给弟弟讲故事
Alice and Alan: 啊? 讲完了一本又来一本??
Alice and Alan: 某人的耐心受到了严重挑战
Alice and Alan: 弟弟终于给讲睡着了......
Alice and Alan: 散步去
Alice and Alan: Playground
Alice and Alan: 我最高
Alice and Alan: 两个宝在一起
Alice and Alan: 弟弟, 我罩着你
Alice and Alan: 亲密共处
Alice and Alan: 杂耍专业户
Alice and Alan: 牙, 牙!
Alice and Alan: 正襟危坐
Alice and Alan: 小斑马
Alice and Alan: 樱桃小嘴
Alice and Alan: 黑老大
Alice and Alan: 给弟弟“梳皮筋”