Alice and Alan: 笑得有点过
Alice and Alan: 想主意
Alice and Alan: 很乖的样子
Alice and Alan: 最近照相水平严重下降....
Alice and Alan: 今天新买的头花
Alice and Alan: 在跟着音乐做round and round
Alice and Alan: 上课到晚了只好坐门口
Alice and Alan: 好像还没睡醒
Alice and Alan: 敲反了
Alice and Alan: 还是不敢往下跳
Alice and Alan: 狭路相逢
Alice and Alan: 睡着了的小猪猪
Alice and Alan: 脸蛋特写
Alice and Alan: 表情很好
Alice and Alan: 照糊了的效果
Alice and Alan: 乐得不顾形象
Alice and Alan: 破坏王
Alice and Alan: 什么都能当电话
Alice and Alan: 回家先吃点儿点心
Alice and Alan: 吃成了小花猫
Alice and Alan: 再吃点草莓
Alice and Alan: 美味啊~~~
Alice and Alan: 叉子也要舔干净
Alice and Alan: 挂个U盘当项链
Alice and Alan: 阿姨给了一包糖
Alice and Alan: 妈妈我要吃糖糖
Alice and Alan: 返老还童