Alice and Alan: Pumpkin Patch
Alice and Alan: 挑南瓜
Alice and Alan: 不爱南瓜爱纸片儿
Alice and Alan: 被大南瓜给吓哭了
Alice and Alan: 半天才回过神
Alice and Alan: 乖乖笑
Alice and Alan: 一只小蜜蜂, 飞到花丛中
Alice and Alan: 错了错了, 其实我是个蜜罐子
Alice and Alan: 给你个kiss!
Alice and Alan: Mu~~mua~~~
Alice and Alan: 捧腹笑
Alice and Alan: 掩嘴笑
Alice and Alan: 明朗笑
Alice and Alan: 招手示意
Alice and Alan: 大摇大摆
Alice and Alan: 咦, 帽子掉了
Alice and Alan: 真不好意思~~
Alice and Alan: 不戴帽帽看着像个大姑娘
Alice and Alan: 收工回家喽~~~
Alice and Alan: 兴冲冲出门讨糖去
Alice and Alan: 暗夜里的小蜜罐
Alice and Alan: 走累了歇一歇
Alice and Alan: 满载而归
Alice and Alan: 清点战果