Alice and Alan: 自己吃
Alice and Alan: 啦啦队造型
Alice and Alan: 每天都要出门
Alice and Alan: 出门就跑跑跳跳
Alice and Alan: 指指点点
Alice and Alan: 小俏妞
Alice and Alan: 例行散步
Alice and Alan: 肯让牵着走了
Alice and Alan: 小狗衫
Alice and Alan: 看投篮
Alice and Alan: 夕阳下
Alice and Alan: 马路边
Alice and Alan: 招牌歪嘴笑
Alice and Alan: 好奇的目光
Alice and Alan: 表情很坚毅
Alice and Alan: 乡下妞进Mall
Alice and Alan: 拥挤的滑梯
Alice and Alan: 上独木桥
Alice and Alan: Alice at Playground (video link)