Alice and Alan: 面如满月
Alice and Alan: 水族丛林
Alice and Alan: Go shopping!
Alice and Alan: 换了大澡盆
Alice and Alan: 臂如藕节
Alice and Alan: 洗澡真快乐!
Alice and Alan: 圆圆头
Alice and Alan: 护照照 :)
Alice and Alan: 六一快乐
Alice and Alan: 想说话
Alice and Alan: 玩儿手
Alice and Alan: 投降睡
Alice and Alan: 侧卧睡
Alice and Alan: 咬奶嘴睡
Alice and Alan: 自言自语
Alice and Alan: 笑靥如花
Alice and Alan: 头发长了
Alice and Alan: 眯眯眼儿
Alice and Alan: 胸有成竹