Joey Johannsen: grounded
Joey Johannsen: crossing lightly
Joey Johannsen: natural radiance
Joey Johannsen: passing the Berlin Wall
Joey Johannsen: The Berlin Wall East Side Gallery
Joey Johannsen: The Berlin Holocaust Memorial
Joey Johannsen: Gabi at The Berlin Wall East Side Gallery
Joey Johannsen: The Berlin Holocaust Memorial
Joey Johannsen: paying tribute
Joey Johannsen: Deutscher Bundestag Dome
Joey Johannsen: ===== []
Joey Johannsen: the harbor... this way -
Joey Johannsen: gelaagde woningen
Joey Johannsen: twiddling his thumbs
Joey Johannsen: with wings
Joey Johannsen: Dark days for Wisconsin
Joey Johannsen: at the cathedral
Joey Johannsen: ====[]====
Joey Johannsen: predominantly triangles
Joey Johannsen: Cascade- Paris
Joey Johannsen: o'er the harbor mist
Joey Johannsen: a game of delusion - seeing through the glass
Joey Johannsen: into the mist
Joey Johannsen: Delftse Poort
Joey Johannsen: [][][][][][][]