JulieJB818: Visiting feral cats
JulieJB818: Visiting feral cats
JulieJB818: Visiting feral cats
JulieJB818: Elizabeth, the queen of stray cats!
JulieJB818: Elizabeth, the queen of stray cats!
JulieJB818: Elizabeth, the queen of stray cats!
JulieJB818: Elizabeth, the queen of stray cats!
JulieJB818: Elizabeth, the queen of stray cats!
JulieJB818: Queen Elizabeth, the cat
JulieJB818: I call her Queen Elizabeth. She's feral but lets us feed her!
JulieJB818: He visits often enough that a good kitty name is perhaps in order...
JulieJB818: A welcome visitor
JulieJB818: Visiting but comfortable
JulieJB818: Visiting but comfortable
JulieJB818: Big Black Cat
JulieJB818: Big Black Cat
JulieJB818: Big Black Cat
JulieJB818: Let's go play by the lamp...
JulieJB818: Let's go play by the lamp...
JulieJB818: Let's go play by the lamp...
JulieJB818: Let's go play by the lamp...
JulieJB818: I live here?