Jiyoung Lee: Our Shadows
Jiyoung Lee: Ipanema
Jiyoung Lee: Dec 2004
Jiyoung Lee: me in my sister
Jiyoung Lee: Ipanema Jun 2006
Jiyoung Lee: Salvador Jun 006
Jiyoung Lee: ipanema Jun 2006
Jiyoung Lee: Me in the mirror
Jiyoung Lee: Me in Emma's sunglasses
Jiyoung Lee: IMG_2091.JPG
Jiyoung Lee: IMG_2045.JPG
Jiyoung Lee: IMG_2179.JPG
Jiyoung Lee: me & mom
Jiyoung Lee: me in bro
Jiyoung Lee: Basilica in sunglasses
Jiyoung Lee: Katie & me in shadow
Jiyoung Lee: Reflection of spiders
Jiyoung Lee: Mario Botta's reflected on Rem Koolhaas'