jivedanson: Cat!
jivedanson: Gutter versus Bailey
jivedanson: Little Bailey
jivedanson: Little Bailey
jivedanson: Mindy and Mr. Wilbur
jivedanson: Mindy and Mr. Wilbur
jivedanson: Wilbur vs. Bailey
jivedanson: Wilbur vs. Bailey
jivedanson: Wilbur vs. Bailey
jivedanson: Wilbur
jivedanson: Bailey
jivedanson: Two dogs, one duck
jivedanson: Bailey
jivedanson: Here comes Randall...
jivedanson: Tall Henry
jivedanson: Peace
jivedanson: Indy the dog, tuckered out
jivedanson: Indy the dog
jivedanson: Indy the dog
jivedanson: Indy the dog, eating clovers
jivedanson: Indy the dog, posing for camera
jivedanson: Indy the dog
jivedanson: Indy the dog
jivedanson: Indy the dog meets a friend
jivedanson: Indy the dog, posing for camera
jivedanson: Indy the dog
jivedanson: Indy the dog
jivedanson: Henry's paw
jivedanson: Henry the cat
jivedanson: Catnap Interrupted