jiuguangw: Georgia Tech's Golem Chesster playing chess at AAAI 2010
jiuguangw: Intel robot playing chess at AAAI 2010
jiuguangw: Georgia Tech's Golem Chesster at AAAI 2010
jiuguangw: Humanoid robot Simon playing with blocks at AAAI 2010
jiuguangw: Bioloid humanoid in the Obstacle Challenge at AAAI 2010
jiuguangw: Aldebaran Robotics's Nao humanoid robot on display at AAAI 2010
jiuguangw: Virginia Tech's CHARLI humanoid robot on display at AAAI 2010
jiuguangw: Nao humanoid robot at the Georgia Robotics and Intelligent Systems (GRITS) Lab, Georgia Tech
jiuguangw: Puppet Magnus, an automated marionette modeled after Prof. Magnus Egerstedt at the Georgia Robotics and Intelligent Systems (GRITS) Lab, Georgia Tech
jiuguangw: Team of Pleo robots at the Human-Automation Systems (HumAnS) Lab, Georgia Tech
jiuguangw: Robosapien at the Human-Automation Systems (HumAnS) Lab, Georgia Tech
jiuguangw: Golem Krang at the Humanoid Robotics Lab, Georgia Tech
jiuguangw: Miniature Wall-E figure at the Humanoid Robotics Lab, Georgia Tech
jiuguangw: iCub, a child-like humanoid designed by the RobotCub Consortium, taken at VVV 2010
jiuguangw: Mitsubishi's Melfa RV-6SL robot on display at the Robotics Exhibition, National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci", Milan
jiuguangw: RoboCup Small Size League robot at the Cooperate, Observe the world, Reason, Act, and Learn (CORAL) Lab, Carnegie Mellon University
jiuguangw: Care-O-Bot grasping an object on the table
jiuguangw: TUM-Rosie at the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group, Technischen Universität München
jiuguangw: PR2 at the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group, Technischen Universität München
jiuguangw: TUM-EDDIE at the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group, Technischen Universität München
jiuguangw: ARMAR II Anthropomorphic Service Robot, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Deutsche Museum, Munich
jiuguangw: Manutec r2, circa 1984, Manutec GmbH, Fürth, Deutsche Museum, Munich
jiuguangw: SnackBot delivering snacks in Newell-Simon Hall
jiuguangw: Barrett WAM arm
jiuguangw: Robot Receptionist Tank at the Newell-Simon Hall, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
jiuguangw: RoboThespian
jiuguangw: Maria from the film Metropolis, on display at the Robot Hall of Fame
jiuguangw: Gort, on display at the Robot Hall of Fame
jiuguangw: C-3PO, on display at the Robot Hall of Fame
jiuguangw: Snake robot at the Robotics institute