james.phillips: Shaken, Not Stirred
james.phillips: At the centre....
james.phillips: That's some serious laughing!
james.phillips: Along the beach...
james.phillips: Quiet little T
james.phillips: On the teeter-totter
james.phillips: t / innocent
james.phillips: big shoes to fill
james.phillips: as through a glass darkly.
james.phillips: little T / bagel at the beach
james.phillips: little t / intensity at 2
james.phillips: ice cream & monkey - what more could a child want?
james.phillips: through a break in the wall
james.phillips: looking back
james.phillips: still my favourite model
james.phillips: dangerous D and his kung-fu moves part II
james.phillips: and now for something completely different....
james.phillips: i guess it happens to everybody....
james.phillips: a day at the beach is always a good day
james.phillips: a day exploring in the sand....
james.phillips: Little T