JiriV_zLoun: St. Nicolas church, Louny
JiriV_zLoun: Hilbertova street, Louny
JiriV_zLoun: Raise your eyes!
JiriV_zLoun: bars, Louny Cemetery
JiriV_zLoun: before the rain
JiriV_zLoun: cherub, Cítoliby, church
JiriV_zLoun: The bell from the church of St. Nicholas
JiriV_zLoun: Christus, Church St. Nicolas, Louny
JiriV_zLoun: Church St. Nicolas, Louny, Czech republic
JiriV_zLoun: Church of St. Marquette
JiriV_zLoun: Church of St. Marquette; interier
JiriV_zLoun: stairway
JiriV_zLoun: roset window
JiriV_zLoun: church window
JiriV_zLoun: Madonna
JiriV_zLoun: reflection, High Res Shot
JiriV_zLoun: presbytery
JiriV_zLoun: MIRACLE
JiriV_zLoun: Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dolní Ročov
JiriV_zLoun: Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dolní Ročov
JiriV_zLoun: Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Dolní Ročov
JiriV_zLoun: Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Dolní Ročov
JiriV_zLoun: Alcove chapel, Staré Verneřice, Czech Republic
JiriV_zLoun: Alcove chapel, Staré Verneřice, Jenikov u Duchcova
JiriV_zLoun: closed door
JiriV_zLoun: Church of St. Wenceslas, Lipenec
JiriV_zLoun: Church of St. Wenceslas, Lipenec