ChatchawanB.: IMG_1724_N
valiant aja: sk8er!
sir_winger: "Kapoow"
sir_winger: "Slashhh"
ChatchawanB.: Shosuke
sir_winger: "Endless Battle"
Sasha's Lab: Just Chillin'...
sir_winger: "Clash"
sir_winger: "Fight"
hyuk: Orchid Seed 1/5 索尼子
hyuk: Orchid Seed 1/5 索尼子
hyuk: Orchid Seed 1/5 索尼子
hyuk: Orchid Seed 1/5 索尼子
Jose M Martin Jimenez: Supersonico
terumiso: TAITO Super Sonico&Pochaco figure
terumiso: TAITO Super Sonico&Pochaco figure
sir_winger: DeathStroke
sir_winger: Joker Goon
sir_winger: "Harley Quinn"
sir_winger: "The Joker"
sir_winger: "Ha ha ha ha ha"
sir_winger: "It is time..."
sir_winger: "Airstrike"
VicioKun: Feel the energy
sir_winger: "Deathstroke"
Sasha's Lab: Kirino Fireside
VicioKun: Manga effect
sir_winger: "I'm the shadwo"
sir_winger: "Burning Vengeance"Instagram: sir_winger
kixkillradio: IMG_7808