jinty: Black and White
jinty: I really dig this little grasshopper
jinty: Buck teeth chapulín
jinty: Animal heads
jinty: Pulque rabbit
jinty: In the Mexica hall
jinty: Serried Ranks
jinty: Feathered Serpent Head
jinty: I assume this is another rabbit figure
jinty: Through the Round Window
jinty: Rock, Hole, Red
jinty: Terrapins and bullrushes
jinty: The Pyramid of Mayan Society
jinty: Imported jungle temple
jinty: Angel in the Distance
jinty: Organ, Metropolitan Cathedral, Mexico City
jinty: Estes folletos no se regalan
jinty: Morris dancers or pilgrims?
jinty: Zocalo, with International Book Fair
jinty: Leaning Tyres of Pisa
jinty: Inside of tyre sculpture
jinty: Dancers, near Templo Mayor
jinty: Palace of Communications
jinty: Shiny brass
jinty: Correos R. M.
jinty: Venta de Estampillas
jinty: That letter box style looks quite familiar...
jinty: Graffito on Bolivar
jinty: Metro sign: No Fumar
jinty: El Angel