jinkoll: [ Limes Square - Limes Square ] DSC_0456.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Lacrime e speranze - Tears and hopes ] DSC_0087.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ E la sera riposo guardando la gente passare - And every night I rest and look at people passing by ] CSC_0346.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Di là l'est - East is there ] CSC_0209.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Inverno - Winter ] DSC_0425.4.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Scherza coi santi - Joke around the saints ] DSC_0005.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Lasciate ogni speranza - Leave every hope ] DSC_0873.5.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Vergogna e impudenza - Shame and impudence ] DSC_0697.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Bed and breakfast - Bed and breakfast ] DSC_0570.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Lighten dreams - Lighten dreams ] CSC_0512.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ The dark side of my nights - The dark side of my nights ] DSC_0462.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Un vento caldo da domare - A hot wind to be tamed ] DSC_0078.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Forbidden colours - Forbidden colours ] DSC_0882.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Dal cemento nascono i fior - From cement the flowers grow ] DSC_0877.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Intimità - Intimacy ] DSC_0092.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Il destino bussa alla porta - Destiny knocks at your door ] DSC_1193.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Tecniche di seduzione - Charm art ] DSC_0657.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Papille a strisce - Striped buds ] CSC_0049.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Spogliami vento - Denude me wind ] DSC_0552.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Io non sarò vecchio mai - Never I'll be old ] CSC_0635.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Irremovibile - Unmovable ] CSC_0640.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Il vicino celeste - A celestial neighbour ] CSC_0642.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Something in the way she moves - Something in the way she moves ] CSC_1173.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Ghiacciato alla fragola - Strawberry-frozen ] CSC_1173.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Non mollare mai - Never give in ] CSC_0078.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Silenzio - Silence ] CSC_1597.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Oasi - Oasis ] CSC_0094.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ La primavera intanto tarda ad arrivare - La primavera intanto tarda ad arrivare ] DSC_2473.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Il tempo e la velocità - Time and speed ] CSC_1606.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Chi siete? - Who are you? ] CSC_1647.jinkoll