jinkoll: [ Rudolph, vieni a prendermi - Rudolph, get me outta here ] DSC_0558.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Little wheels from Little Italy - Little wheels from Little Italy ] DSC_0548.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Ostriche in città - Oysters in the city ] DSC_0536.7.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Quando giallo e blu non fanno verde - When yellow and blue can't become green ] DSC_0531.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Geloso - Jealous ] DSC_0497.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Il futuro sotto i piedi - The future put upon ] DSC_0475.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Come riconoscere un pedone - How to recognize a pedestrian ] DSC_0435.5.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Paura di volare - Fear of flying ] DSC_0430.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ I wish me a Merry Christmas - I wish me a Merry Christmas ] DSC_0406.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Non plus ultra - Non plus ultra ] DSC_0395.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Una vita camminando - A walking life ] DSC_0390.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ E vorrei che questi fiocchi di neve fossero le tue dita fredde - And I would these snowflakes be your cold fingers ] DSC_0326.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Lingue diverse - Different languages ] DSC_0319.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Ripulire teste - Cleaning heads ] DSC_0303.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Don't let the sun go down on me - Don't let the sun go down on me ] DSC_0299.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Gioia ad ogni cuor - Joy to every heart ] DSC_0277.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Riempire teste - Filling heads ] DSC_0274.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ E la sera riposo guardando la gente passare - And every night I rest and look at people passing by ] CSC_0346.2.jinkoll