jinkoll: [ Arenati al 1933 - A-strand in 1933 ] DSC_0802.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Passante con cappello - Pedestrian with a hat ] DSC_0800.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Quanto mare e quanto amore ho visto passare - How much sea and how much love I've seen passing by ] DSC_0764.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ 90 gradi all'ombra - 90 degrees in the shade ] DSC_0053.4.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Galleggiar leggiadri - Gracefully floating ] DSC_0088.4.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Vie di mezzo - Middle ways ] DSC_0874.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ May the wind be always at your back - May the wind be always at your back ] DSC_0598.4.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Caldi percorsi quotidiani - Hot daily paths ] DSC_0713.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Sai tenere un segreto? - Can you keep a secret? ] DSC_0101.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Walkin' bass - Walkin' bass ] DSC_0799.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Shopping march - Shopping march ] DSC_1426.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Cambio del turno - Shift change ] DSC_0837.5.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Something in the way she moves - Something in the way she moves ] CSC_1173.3.jinkoll