jinkoll: [ La Musa e il Tempo (del vecchio si burla e sfugge, il prossimo ammalia avida d'eterno - The Muse and Time (she tricks the ancient and eludes while charming the next one, avid for eternity) ] DSC_0871.5.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Ritratto di famiglia, esposizione - Family portrait, exhibition ] 20090704(087).jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Strada dolce strada - Road sweet road ] CSC_0077.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Echi dai sogni - Echoes from dreams ] DSC_0874.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Onori - Honors ] DSC_1182.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Preghierina a San Rocco (che la luce non costi sempre tanto rumore) - A little prayer to Saint Rocco (so that light won't always cost so much noise) ] DSC_1390.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ L'anima danzante di Desha Delteil - Desha Delteil's dancing soul ]DSC_0335.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Ascensione - Ascension ] DSC_1259.R2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Profondità della montagna nella nebbia - Depth of the mountain in the fog ] DSC_0041.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Stanchezza - Weariness ] DSC_0340.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Secolari - Centuries-old ones ] DSC_0499.R2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Civiltà - Civilization ] DSC_1320.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Incanto - Charm ] DSC_0966.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Appartengo al mare - I belong to the sea ] DSC_0863.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ L'ira di Apollo - Apollo's ire ] DSC_0873.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Papille a strisce - Striped buds ] CSC_0049.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Lighten dreams - Lighten dreams ] CSC_0512.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Proiezioni - Projections ] DSC_0310.R2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Calipso - Calypso ] DSC_1554.R2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Pandora - Pandora ] DSC_0412.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ The way she walks - The way she walks ] DSC_0072.R2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Adagio - Adagio ] DSC_0729.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Off - Off ] DSC_0204.R3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Merenda con vista - Snack with a view ] DSC_0179.R3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Libertà all'orizzonte - Freedom on the horizon ] DSC_0928.2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Di sponda - Bank shot ] DSC_0003.R2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Nylon - Nylon ] DSC_0399.R2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Poles dance - Poles dance ] DSC_1284.R2.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Effimeri miscugli ambulanti di elementi in fieri - Ambulating ephemeral mixtures of in-fieri elements ] DSC_0970.3.jinkoll
jinkoll: [ Il paradiso riguarda la vita - Paradise is about life ] DSC_0315.3.jinkoll