藍色小懶猴: jeeps in desert
藍色小懶猴: Yoda and his Canon ID
藍色小懶猴: waiting for sunrise
藍色小懶猴: keroro and the jeep
藍色小懶猴: keroro and the jeep
藍色小懶猴: sunrise in desert
藍色小懶猴: sunrise in desert
藍色小懶猴: sunrise in desert
藍色小懶猴: sunrise in desert
藍色小懶猴: sunrise in desert
藍色小懶猴: sunrise in desert
藍色小懶猴: our guide introducing the well
藍色小懶猴: our shadow
藍色小懶猴: Bedouin's tent
藍色小懶猴: Bedouin's mosque
藍色小懶猴: Bedouin's mosque
藍色小懶猴: ready to ride the camel?
藍色小懶猴: hello, photo?
藍色小懶猴: my shadow and the boy
藍色小懶猴: my shadow
藍色小懶猴: my shadow
藍色小懶猴: our shadows
藍色小懶猴: our shadows
藍色小懶猴: grandpa and his beloved camel
藍色小懶猴: grandpa and his beloved camel
藍色小懶猴: grandpa and his beloved camel
藍色小懶猴: grandpa and his beloved camel