*jingqing: Into the desert from 燉煌 (Dunhuang)
*jingqing: Oasis
*jingqing: Cute
*jingqing: Pretty camel!
*jingqing: I love camels
*jingqing: Peacock formation
*jingqing: Mum and dad in the Gobi
*jingqing: Yadan Geological National Park
*jingqing: Gobi close-up
*jingqing: The Han Dynasty Great Wall
*jingqing: The Great Wall from the Han Dynasty
*jingqing: 玉门关 (Yu Men Guan)
*jingqing: 春风不度玉门关
*jingqing: Inside 玉门关
*jingqing: Dunhuang has the grapes I've ever had anywhere
*jingqing: a sightful of deliciousness
*jingqing: Grapes under gobi sun
*jingqing: Vineyards in the desert
*jingqing: 阳关 -- ancient fort at the Chinese border during the Han Dynasty
*jingqing: 祁连山 (Qilian Mountain Range), sand dunes, and gobi