Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Pentax SMC-M macro f/4 & el-nikkor 50 f/2.8
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
sodalite (cross polarised)
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Citrine (cross polarised)
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
quartz prase (cross polarised)
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
serpentine (cross polarised)
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Black Beetle Test Stacks (5) (Darkling Beetle)
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Black Beetle Test Stacks (4)
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Black Beetle Test Stacks (3)
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Black Beetle Test Stacks (2)
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Macro Variations 1
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Macro Variations 4
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Macro Variations 3
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Macro Variations 2
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Macro Variations 5
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Moth Wing @10x with Componon 28 reversed
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Moth Wing @ 10x with Reichert .25 objective
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Fly Macro
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
dead fly macro
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
fly test
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
componon 28 test
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
first 10x objective try
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Fly Eye
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Sunset Moth Scales Macro
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Sunset Moth Scales
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
peacock feather with microscope objective
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel:
Papilio ulysses