jimw: pre-parade preaching
jimw: cheer leader
jimw: old cars on parade
jimw: zombie
jimw: uncle fester and his steaming pepsi
jimw: queen cherie flores
jimw: dr. demento and his posse
jimw: snotty scotty and the hankies
jimw: one of the hankies
jimw: i just ate a toad
jimw: left coast parrot head club
jimw: skunk man
jimw: claude rains memorial 20-man invisible marching drill team
jimw: don candy
jimw: ferret float
jimw: man in blue dress with parasol
jimw: barbecue & hibachi marching grill team
jimw: giant wiener
jimw: briquette girls
jimw: grill team
jimw: hot dog offering
jimw: bastard sons of lee marvin
jimw: bastard sons of lee marvin
jimw: hula hoop girl
jimw: flaming hula hoop girl
jimw: fire breathing
jimw: painting the parade
jimw: the king
jimw: clown
jimw: clown