It's life Jim....: EVERY MAN SHOULD HAVE.... at least one hobby that allows him to delude himself that he is still young....
It's life Jim....: EVERY MAN SHOULD HAVE.... a magic cook book, clean underwear & the ability to ask for directions....
It's life Jim....: EVERY MAN SHOULD HAVE.... a case of good red wine, some romantic music, and a woman preparing dinner in the kitchen....
It's life Jim....: EVERY MAN SHOULD HAVE.... one female in his life who never complains and is always happy to walk to the pub with him for a drink or three.
It's life Jim....: EVERY MAN SHOULD HAVE.... a viable alternative to exercising in order to get a flat stomach
It's life Jim....: EVERY MAN SHOULD HAVE.... learnt to make his mark in the world, and to give it an extra shake to avoid messing up his shoes
It's life Jim....: EVERY DOG SHOULD HAVE.... a fire to fall asleep in front of, and an owner that isn't so damn irritating.
It's life Jim....: EVERY DOG SHOULD HAVE.... the chance to eat noxious items found in the woods, and the fantasy of playing K-9 in a Dr Who episode
It's life Jim....: EVERY MAN SHOULD KNOW when to hide.....
It's life Jim....: EVERY MAN SHOULD KNOW whether or not he looks good in a skirt....
It's life Jim....: EVERY MAN SHOULD KNOW.... about the birds and the bees
It's life Jim....: EVERY MAN SHOULD KNOW .... how to tie a proper bow tie, and where the line is between individuality and eccentricity
It's life Jim....: EVERY MAN SHOULD KNOW....... how to do the Twist, and what hand signals are appropriate.