It's life Jim....: 84/365: "this is a machine that's supposed to make civilization, but it's only theoretical because it takes a lot more civilization than we've got at the moment to get it to work"
It's life Jim....: 85/365: Stuck in traffic again
It's life Jim....: My office is bigger than yours
It's life Jim....: Demon barber of Delhi
It's life Jim....: 85/365: Gods 'R' Us
It's life Jim....: 87/365: Rickshaw driver with mobile next to beggar girl on street
It's life Jim....: Keeping warm before dawn
It's life Jim....: Setting up
It's life Jim....: People sleeping under blankets on the street
It's life Jim....: Rickshaw repair shop !
It's life Jim....: Flower bundles waiting to be sold
It's life Jim....: Flower bundle delivery
It's life Jim....: Sorting flowers.... removing damaged ones
It's life Jim....: Sorting flowers.... removing damaged ones
It's life Jim....: Waiting for customers
It's life Jim....: Kid collecting reject flowers that he will try & sell himself
It's life Jim....: Birds scavenging amongst the flowers
It's life Jim....: Kid collecting reject flowers that he will try & sell himself
It's life Jim....: Haggling over the dosh
It's life Jim....: Making tea
It's life Jim....: Morning cuppa
It's life Jim....: Making breakfast
It's life Jim....: Ox pulling a cart
It's life Jim....: Ox pulling cart in traffic
It's life Jim....: Quiet ciggie
It's life Jim....: Bird collecting breakfast
It's life Jim....: 87/365: Bird collecting it's breakfast from amongst the flowers
It's life Jim....: Kid waiting to collect reject flowers for sale later
It's life Jim....: More sorting
It's life Jim....: what you lookin' at?