jimschuknecht: It's the last weekend in August and we head back to Doug Fir campground near Mt. Baker hoping for some snow-free hiking
jimschuknecht: We heard the Skyline Divide is snow free and full of flowers
jimschuknecht: A little over a mile in it is starting to look promising
jimschuknecht: and there's Baker
jimschuknecht: At the top, the views open up: Mt. Shuksan
jimschuknecht: A pan of the meadows
jimschuknecht: Mt. Baker - amazing as always
jimschuknecht: Mountain Jim heads even higher through the meadow
jimschuknecht: Jim displays the latest in high fashion hiking
jimschuknecht: Barb & Kemo considered ascending that next knoll, but decided this view was more than beautiful enough
jimschuknecht: Time to head down some 2000 feet or so
jimschuknecht: What an amazing place!
jimschuknecht: Mountain Jim "enhances" the views
jimschuknecht: As does Kemo
jimschuknecht: On the way down, we enjoy the lupine and a host of other wildflowers
jimschuknecht: Evidence of some amazing trail work by WTA
jimschuknecht: Skyline Divide Map Route Map
jimschuknecht: Skyline Divide vertical prophile
jimschuknecht: Views along the 12 mile dirt road back to civilization
jimschuknecht: Back at camp, Kemo and Barb debate the high points of the hike
jimschuknecht: Sweet ...
jimschuknecht: Next morning, Kemo is still recovering from the prior day's efforts
jimschuknecht: While Jim embarks on breakfast prep
jimschuknecht: No problem - dry wood this time as W.Wa. heads for a record of days w/o rain