jimschuknecht: On a trip to Santa Rosa to visit Jim's mom, he & Judy found time for some wine tasting
jimschuknecht: Judy with a couple of purchases at Sbragia (North end of Dry Creek appellation)
jimschuknecht: Lake Sonoma from "The Rockpile"
jimschuknecht: Flowers on Judy's back deck
jimschuknecht: One of about a hundred humming birds that frequent her back yard
jimschuknecht: The vines on the property over her back fence have grown alot in the last few years
jimschuknecht: An eclectic selection of art seen on a quick trip to the Oakland Nuseum
jimschuknecht: Before dinner with Alex, he took time to give a tour of PWP Landscape Architects where he's doing a summer internship
jimschuknecht: Project models are everywhere
jimschuknecht: The World Trade Center Memorial
jimschuknecht: An in-house project Alex was working on for the building entry and parking area
jimschuknecht: Alex and Judy in the cavernous main work area of PWP
jimschuknecht: Discussing the Trans-Bay Terminal Project
jimschuknecht: Drawings of the Trans-Bay Terminal Project
jimschuknecht: Alex posed in one of the workspaces
jimschuknecht: Some of the detail drawings he's working on for the TBT
jimschuknecht: On the way home again - I think this is Shasta, Alex. (He stood on it's peak the week before, then skied down.)
jimschuknecht: A group of bottles to add to the wine cellar, including both California and recent Washington finds.
jimschuknecht: An example of sapsucker work goes up in flames in the chiminea