jimschuknecht: Our first sight of Banjul and the coastline of The Gambia
jimschuknecht: Banjul Int'l Airport...
jimschuknecht: ...and a long-awaited reunion with Alex.
jimschuknecht: We spent the first 3 days near the coast in the Kombo region at a hotel called Safari Garden.
jimschuknecht: Relaxing at the pool
jimschuknecht: The first of MANY toasts with Jul Brew - from 'The Gambia's very own brewery'.
jimschuknecht: The "street" outside the hotel - a 3 block walk to the paved road.
jimschuknecht: Nate, Alex and Barb at "Peace Corps House" in Kombo.
jimschuknecht: Gardens at the Peace Corps House.
jimschuknecht: Our first night - enjoying a wade in the Atlantic
jimschuknecht: And a beautiful sunset
jimschuknecht: Our taxi on Day 2 boasted a special hot-wire ignition system
jimschuknecht: And cramped accomodations for a fivesome
jimschuknecht: Abuko Nature Preserve and our first sighting of an African Darter
jimschuknecht: African vultures are no more attractive than American ones
jimschuknecht: An orphaned hyena at the reserve - another nasty looking animal
jimschuknecht: Heading to Lamin Lodge - a restaurant made of sticks, more or less
jimschuknecht: View from Lamin Lodge
jimschuknecht: The facilities...
jimschuknecht: Lunch at Lamin Lodge with our taxi driver and more Jul Brews
jimschuknecht: Day 3 - a trip to the Serekunda Market where all the locals shop
jimschuknecht: Nate shows off some of their acquisitions
jimschuknecht: On to Bakau, aka the "tourist market." A much more manageable scene
jimschuknecht: Heading to lunch at Anna's Sand Plover restaurant
jimschuknecht: Alex & Nate pause before heading in for a Jul Brew. Our table was in the upper level
jimschuknecht: Alex & Jim trying to cool off
jimschuknecht: A beautiful view of the Atlantic
jimschuknecht: Dinner at Luigi's & a chance to sample local liqueurs