Jim Scarff: Brown Creeper eating tiny grub
Jim Scarff: Brown Creeper
Jim Scarff: Golden-crowned Sparrow
Jim Scarff: Orange-crowned Warbler - not behind the branch, finally!
Jim Scarff: Allen's (?) Hummingbird
Jim Scarff: A Hutton's Vireo demonstrating to the warbler how to pose properly
Jim Scarff: If you were a real friend, you would have climbed up and "pre-Photoshopped" that branch out of there!
Jim Scarff: Morning constitutional
Jim Scarff: Golden-crowned Kinglet
Jim Scarff: "My doctor advised me to eat blueberries for the antioxidants, but how do you swallow them?"
Jim Scarff: Marsh wren
Jim Scarff: California thrasher singing
Jim Scarff: Ruby-crowned kinglet showing its crown
Jim Scarff: Wrentit
Jim Scarff: Cassin's vireo
Jim Scarff: Lark bunting (female)
Jim Scarff: Bewick's wren
Jim Scarff: Hairy woodpecker (female)
Jim Scarff: Wilson's warbler (male)
Jim Scarff: Lark sparrow (Chondestes grammacus)
Jim Scarff: Yellow-rumped warbler
Jim Scarff: Townsend's warbler (male)
Jim Scarff: Allen's Hummingbird (male)
Jim Scarff: American Goldfinch (male)
Jim Scarff: Lesser Goldfinch (male)
Jim Scarff: Orange-crowned Warbler
Jim Scarff: To pause and reflect - the contemplative life of the Common Yellowthroat
Jim Scarff: Eurasian Collared Dove
Jim Scarff: Harris's Sparrow
Jim Scarff: Common Yellowthroat (male)