Jim Scarff:
Bush blackcap (Lioptilus nigricapillus)
Jim Scarff:
Cape batis (Batis capensis)
Jim Scarff:
African Scrub-warbler
Jim Scarff:
The road up Sani Pass from South Africa to Lesotho
Jim Scarff:
Malachite sunbird on a protea
Jim Scarff:
Gurney's sugarbird (Promerops gurneyi)
Jim Scarff:
Ground woodpeckers (Geocolaptes olivaceus)
Jim Scarff:
Sentinel rock thrush (Monticola explorator)
Jim Scarff:
Drakensburg crag lizard, Sani Pass, Lesotho
Jim Scarff:
Cape bunting (Emberiza capensis)
Jim Scarff:
Sloggett's Vlei Rat (aka Ice Rat) (Otomys sloggetti)
Jim Scarff:
Mohairs being herded in Lesotho
Jim Scarff:
Welcome to Lesotho
Jim Scarff:
Orange-breasted rockjumper (Chaetops aurantius)
Jim Scarff:
Long-billed lark (Galerida magnirostris)
Jim Scarff:
Drakensberg siskin (Pseudochloroptila symonsi) - female
Jim Scarff:
Cape batis (Batis capensis)