Jim Scarff: Coyote at dawn
Jim Scarff: Bobcat kittens
Jim Scarff: Owl yoga?
Jim Scarff: Mmm, your lunch looks good!
Jim Scarff: pocket gopher
Jim Scarff: Northern alligator lizard
Jim Scarff: River otter and pup
Jim Scarff: Muskrat at dusk
Jim Scarff: (Holiday inappropriate?) Turkey
Jim Scarff: Do you think it's mom would tell it to stop dragging its wings?
Jim Scarff: Spring, and the hormones are flowing!
Jim Scarff: Gopher Snake
Jim Scarff: Young Gopher Snake
Jim Scarff: Brush Rabbit
Jim Scarff: Bambi!
Jim Scarff: It's important to be close to your siblings
Jim Scarff: Arboreal Salamander
Jim Scarff: Arboreal Salamander
Jim Scarff: Arboreal Salamander
Jim Scarff: Anise Swallowtail?
Jim Scarff: Northern Checkerspot?
Jim Scarff: Pale Swallowtail?
Jim Scarff: Mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa)
Jim Scarff: Black-tailed Jackrabbit
Jim Scarff: River Otter
Jim Scarff: River Otter eating fish
Jim Scarff: River Otter
Jim Scarff: River Otter
Jim Scarff: River Otter
Jim Scarff: Mmm Sushi! River Otter in Berkeley