jimray: Dawn, fawn
jimray: Adam brought his own Apple TV
jimray: Scott is wicked fast
jimray: Faster than light funny
jimray: Scott and Merlin
jimray: Best. Glasses. Ever.
jimray: Two of my favorite girls
jimray: Never not a badass
jimray: Wine picnic
jimray: Wine comes from vines
jimray: Dawn and Bob
jimray: Tasting
jimray: A study in hairlines
jimray: Useless wine gadgets!
jimray: Say cheese
jimray: Gentlemen
jimray: Napping sandwich
jimray: Adam bought me a bug in a lolipop
jimray: Portrait of a bug in candy, part I
jimray: Portrait of a bug in candy, part II
jimray: Portrait of a bug in candy, part III
jimray: After a day of drinking
jimray: IMG_1841
jimray: Here comes trouble
jimray: And now, trouble's here!
jimray: I got your salsa bar right here
jimray: Portrait
jimray: Slides
jimray: Slides
jimray: Slides