Jim Patterson Photography: Moon Jelly Eclipse - Bluefish Cove, Point Lobos
Jim Patterson Photography: Flabellina trilineata Nudibranch - Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Epic - Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: It's A Jelly! - Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Mono Lobo Reef - Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Harbor Seal #2 - Granite Point, Point Lobos
Jim Patterson Photography: The Underwater Photographer's Lament
Jim Patterson Photography: The Underwater Ballet - Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Bluefish Cove - Point Lobos State Reserve
Jim Patterson Photography: No Aquariums Required - Monterey, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Red Velvet - Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Bluefish Cove - Point Lobos, Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: The Element of Surprise - Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Egg Yolk Jelly Macro - Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Golden Rose Anemone - Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Deep Blue Kelp Forest - Big Sur, California
Jim Patterson Photography: The Dive of a Lifetime - Big Sur, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Kelp Forest #1 - Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Go With The Flow - Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Granite Point Reef - Point Lobos, Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: The Depth of My Love - Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Metridium - Big Sur, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Kelp Crab - Big Sur, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Dancing Medusae - Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: Flow - Bull Kelp, Carmel, California
Jim Patterson Photography: California Sea Lions - San Miguel Island, California Channel Islands
Jim Patterson Photography: Kelp Forest at Sutil Island - Santa Barbara Island, California Channel Islands
Jim Patterson Photography: The Epitome of the Southern Islands - San Clemente Island, Calfornia Channel Islands
Jim Patterson Photography: The Art of Kelp - San Clemente Island, California