jimonthemove: Lorena and Nia had already been in LA for a wedding
jimonthemove: They were there for a week before I got there
jimonthemove: So we left fairly quickly, because LA sucks
jimonthemove: After a long drive up through Big Sur, we dropped in Monterey
jimonthemove: To visit the aquarium
jimonthemove: Which was lovely
jimonthemove: And fishy
jimonthemove: Nia enjoyed it very much
jimonthemove: And we had fish and chips from the pier
jimonthemove: And hung out on the beach
jimonthemove: Not for long, though
jimonthemove: Then, on to San Francisco
jimonthemove: Where they have a bridge
jimonthemove: And a bakery
jimonthemove: Where we ate far too much, all of which was delicious
jimonthemove: As was evidenced by the crowds it attracted
jimonthemove: Luckily, we knew the owners :)
jimonthemove: Bridgetastic
jimonthemove: From San Francisco, we headed to Yosemite
jimonthemove: Where we camped
jimonthemove: And wandered about
jimonthemove: And sat
jimonthemove: And chilled
jimonthemove: It was gorgeous
jimonthemove: I'm told this is a marmot
jimonthemove: And this is a tiny weasel