Jim Nicholson:
Giraffe close-up
Jim Nicholson:
Giraffe Manor
Jim Nicholson:
Orphan elephant feeding itself
Jim Nicholson:
Orphan Elephants
Jim Nicholson:
Elephant eyelashes
Jim Nicholson:
Feeding an orphan Elephant
Jim Nicholson:
Giraffes at Giraffe Manor
Jim Nicholson:
Mother and Baby Giraffe
Jim Nicholson:
Nikki & Me feeding a giraffe
Jim Nicholson:
Small bird hoping to get some crumbs from afternoon tea
Jim Nicholson:
Mountain Wagtail
Jim Nicholson:
Warthog eating up the dropped giraffe food pellets
Jim Nicholson:
Bird come to steal our afternoon tea
Jim Nicholson:
Nikki Feeding a Rothschilds Giraffe
Jim Nicholson:
Pair of Rothschilds Giraffes
Jim Nicholson:
Rothschilds Giraffe
Jim Nicholson:
Feeding a Rothschilds Giraffe
Jim Nicholson:
Both of us feeding a Giraffe
Jim Nicholson:
Both of us feeding a Giraffe
Jim Nicholson:
Nikki Feeding a Giraffe
Jim Nicholson:
Nikki Feeding a Giraffe
Jim Nicholson:
Early Morning VIsitors
Jim Nicholson:
Nikki Feeding a young Giraffe from our balcony
Jim Nicholson:
Nikki Feeding a Giraffe
Jim Nicholson:
Feeding Ed the Giraffe
Jim Nicholson:
Breakfast with a Giraffe
Jim Nicholson:
Weaver birds on their nests
Jim Nicholson:
Pair of Weaver birds
Jim Nicholson:
Stork in flight
Jim Nicholson:
Northern Red-billed Hornbill