Jim Nicholson: Kota Kinabalu Waterfront at night
Jim Nicholson: Kota Kinabalu Waterfront at night
Jim Nicholson: Kota Kinabalu waterfront
Jim Nicholson: Panorama of Tanjung Aru resort from our balcony
Jim Nicholson: Sunset over Kinabatangan River
Jim Nicholson: Proboscis monkeys in a tree
Jim Nicholson: Proboscis monkey in a tree
Jim Nicholson: Bird perched in a tree
Jim Nicholson: Pair of Eagles perching in a tree
Jim Nicholson: Silvered leaf monkey in a tree
Jim Nicholson: Eagle in flight
Jim Nicholson: Butterfly
Jim Nicholson: Butterfly on a dead leaf
Jim Nicholson: Dragonfly
Jim Nicholson: Bananas
Jim Nicholson: Visiting the locals
Jim Nicholson: Wild pig outside our chalet
Jim Nicholson: Malabar Pied Hornbill in flight
Jim Nicholson: Pair of Malabar Pied Hornbills in flight
Jim Nicholson: Bird perched on a stick
Jim Nicholson: Bird perched on a stick
Jim Nicholson: Egret perched in a tree
Jim Nicholson: Proboscis Monkey
Jim Nicholson: Crocodile
Jim Nicholson: Crocodile
Jim Nicholson: Dragonfly
Jim Nicholson: View across the Kinabantang River
Jim Nicholson: Husky toy on guard against macaques
Jim Nicholson: Cormorant