Vendor at floating market
Leg-rowing - athleticism and art
Searching for vegetables from the floating gardens
Paddling the passageways of Inle Lake
Paddling the passageways of Inle Lake
Paddling the passageways of Inle Lake
Vendor at floating market
Chance for a good laugh
Selecting her purchase carefully
The deal is completed
Vendor at floating market
Young girl at floating market
Stared down by a guy in pajamas
On her way from market
Vendor at floating market
Umbrella shop
Kayan "long neck" people - Tibeto-Burman ethnic minority
Selling from her small boat
Homes over the water
Home on the floating gardens of Inle Lake
Harvesting from the floating gardens
Harvesting from the floating gardens
Paddling the waterways of Inle Lake
Selling from her small boat
Selling from her small boat
Living on the water
Blacksmith's helper
Facility where they make silk from lotus fibre
Traditional long-tail boats