(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Vendor at floating market
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Leg-rowing - athleticism and art
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Searching for vegetables from the floating gardens
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Paddling the passageways of Inle Lake
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Paddling the passageways of Inle Lake
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Paddling the passageways of Inle Lake
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Vendor at floating market
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Chance for a good laugh
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Selecting her purchase carefully
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): The deal is completed
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Vendor at floating market
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Young girl at floating market
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Stared down by a guy in pajamas
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): On her way from market
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Vendor at floating market
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Kayan "long neck" people - Tibeto-Burman ethnic minority
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Selling from her small boat
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Homes over the water
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Home on the floating gardens of Inle Lake
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Harvesting from the floating gardens
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Harvesting from the floating gardens
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Paddling the waterways of Inle Lake
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Selling from her small boat
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Selling from her small boat
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Living on the water
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Blacksmith's helper
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Facility where they make silk from lotus fibre
(jimnealephoto@gmail.com): Traditional long-tail boats