Sunrise over Bagan
Sunrise ballooning over the temples
Quiet contemplation
Sunset over the Irrawaddy River
Early morning light on reconstruction
Intricate hand-made umbrellas
Posing for photo by the proud family
Devout practitioner
Constructing the umbrella frames
Travelling the dusty backroads of Bagan
Intricate lacquer-ware work
Intricate lacquer-ware work
Looking for a small handout
Getting the attention of potential buyers
Early morning mist
Sunrise over one of the larger temples
Unlike herding cats
One of thousands of small temples
A warm greeting
Willing me to buy
Young nuns
Young monks
Exchange of views
Getting some inspiration for her writing
Twilight silhouette
Sunrise ballooning over the temples
Sunrise ballooning over the temples
Sunrise ballooning over the temples
Sunrise ballooning over the temples
Sunrise ballooning over the temples