Jim&Carey: HFVNP Donation Chelonis Mydas Off White
Jim&Carey: PVS Logo Grouted - Hokulea mosaic cut - tile
Jim&Carey: PVS Log no grout
Jim&Carey: Jack Address Seashore Mosaic
Jim&Carey: Jacks Address Broken Mosaic
Jim&Carey: Puna Piggie Finished Mosaic table top tile
Jim&Carey: Puna Piggie with Coffee Lei Mosaic
Jim&Carey: Frog AW Tile to Jungle no grout
Jim&Carey: "Tile to Jungle" backsplash full view AW no grout
Jim&Carey: Gecko R Tile to Jungle AW Mosaic no grout
Jim&Carey: LinS Lobster Shower Mosaic
Jim&Carey: linS Musky Shower Mosaic
Jim&Carey: LinS Fish Shower Mosaic
Jim&Carey: FrontDoorMantaRays
Jim&Carey: Turtle Mosaic Mosaic Kau
Jim&Carey: Blue Green Turtle Opus Sectile Mosaic
Jim&Carey: Maui's Hook Opus Sectile Mosaic
Jim&Carey: Humuhumu Fish Mosaic
Jim&Carey: I`iwi FVFS donation mosaic
Jim&Carey: Helmut Snail Mosaic
Jim&Carey: Purple Sea Horse Mosaic
Jim&Carey: Clownfish Mosaic Tile
Jim&Carey: Sea Star Mosaic GS
Jim&Carey: Guava Acres Opus Sectile Mosaic
Jim&Carey: 13234
Jim&Carey: 13236
Jim&Carey: orchids
Jim&Carey: Keu palekaiko Bird of Paradise mosaic
Jim&Carey: `Awapuhi`uha`uha
Jim&Carey: Nene in Flight FHVNP Mosaic