jimmyroq: A real cool Trabant
jimmyroq: A market along the road somewhere in Croatia
jimmyroq: Amazing Colors
jimmyroq: A paintbrushed truck, somewhere on the roads in Poland
jimmyroq: That airbrushed truck again
jimmyroq: Gdansk
jimmyroq: Me and Angela
jimmyroq: Me and Angela
jimmyroq: Stealing some sweet corn in Hungary
jimmyroq: Kutna Hora
jimmyroq: Kutna Hora
jimmyroq: Kutna Hora
jimmyroq: A small car & two gorgeous ladies
jimmyroq: Swimming
jimmyroq: My car, parked outside Nori's place in Hungary
jimmyroq: Somewhere along the Croatian coastline
jimmyroq: Driving
jimmyroq: Golfio
jimmyroq: A sunny smile
jimmyroq: Road again
jimmyroq: And some more fuzzy road
jimmyroq: A church somewhere near Rijeka, Croatia
jimmyroq: Comic or not?
jimmyroq: Beach Action
jimmyroq: A beautiful view
jimmyroq: Me...
jimmyroq: A resturant, just above our tent
jimmyroq: A view
jimmyroq: Postcard photo...
jimmyroq: For a walk in the hills