Jimmy Legs: Just the tip
Jimmy Legs: Welcome
Jimmy Legs: Brother feral?
Jimmy Legs: The Prodigal Son
Jimmy Legs: Thawing
Jimmy Legs: Crossing the yard
Jimmy Legs: White Fang
Jimmy Legs: All neck
Jimmy Legs: White Fang and Mingli
Jimmy Legs: White Fang
Jimmy Legs: Time to go Fang
Jimmy Legs: White Fang, ready to get outside
Jimmy Legs: Fang post-neuter
Jimmy Legs: White Lightning
Jimmy Legs: Nifty
Jimmy Legs: The Problem
Jimmy Legs: New feral makes himself at home
Jimmy Legs: Tough day
Jimmy Legs: Dinner zombies
Jimmy Legs: Feral Feeding time
Jimmy Legs: 3 fat cats
Jimmy Legs: Obesity in America
Jimmy Legs: Fat cats in the sun
Jimmy Legs: The hard life
Jimmy Legs: White Fang and ladycats
Jimmy Legs: White Fang
Jimmy Legs: Feral Boyz
Jimmy Legs: Big Jon moves in
Jimmy Legs: White Fang is from our backyard colony, he's been losing weight and hissing at his food so we took him in to the vet. As expected, his teeth are bad, so he will get a few yanked. #BushwickStreetCats #feral #cats #TNR
Jimmy Legs: Backyard feral crew in their penthouse. We put a sheet of insulation on top of their shelters with some cat beds on top. Above this is a roof of plywood wrapped in a tarp. There is also a heating pad in there somewhere. From left: White Fang, Phinneas, Ce