jimmykhoo: never c sun before...~.^
jimmykhoo: ARGGGGGGGGGhhhhh
jimmykhoo: ARGGGGGGGGGhhhhh
jimmykhoo: domo
jimmykhoo: Arrgggghhhh
jimmykhoo: ARRGGGHHHH!!!! Lets Share This Giant Doughnut
jimmykhoo: TEA TIME 4 DOMOS
jimmykhoo: cant Wait to come out of the BOX!!!
jimmykhoo: Argghhhh...go away turtle...
jimmykhoo: dont chase that ducky..domo...
jimmykhoo: Arrggghhh
jimmykhoo: domos love to skate
jimmykhoo: this is where i keep my domod...^0^
jimmykhoo: life is like roller coasters...arrggghhh
jimmykhoo: Yo~~~yo~~~come c yelly doin some spinning...
jimmykhoo: The Domos....The colour is based on the Members fav colours...
jimmykhoo: colourful domos
jimmykhoo: domos Loves Danbo's concert
jimmykhoo: Nice Leaf
jimmykhoo: where r u domooooo
jimmykhoo: Domo is protected
jimmykhoo: Happy Easter Day from the Domos
jimmykhoo: when it's need to go , it need to go :P
jimmykhoo: Lets see what is in the fridge to eat.....only eggs domo?!
jimmykhoo: Rawwwww