ijbison: Migrant Hawker - Aeshna mixta
ijbison: Migrant Hawker - Aeshna mixta
ijbison: Common Darter portrait
ijbison: Closer to the flying machine
ijbison: Flying machine
ijbison: Dragonfly portrait
ijbison: Emperor Dragonfly - Anax imperator
ijbison: Banded Demoiselle - Calopteryx splendens
ijbison: Blue Damselfly
ijbison: Damselfy's lunch
ijbison: Four-spotted Chaser - Libellula quadrimaculata
ijbison: Damselfly portrait
ijbison: Damselfly portrait
ijbison: Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa
ijbison: Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa
ijbison: Damselflies
ijbison: Common Darter
ijbison: Southern Hawker
ijbison: Southern Hawker
ijbison: Southern Hawker
ijbison: Southern Hawker
ijbison: Common Darter
ijbison: Common Darter at Kibblesworth
ijbison: Emerald Damsel
ijbison: Common Darter - teneral
ijbison: Banded Demoiselle
ijbison: Red Damselfly
ijbison: Dragonfly emergence sequence
ijbison: Dragonfly emergence sequence
ijbison: Dragonfly emergence sequence