atchang_2001: DSC_8361
atchang_2001: DSC_2867-Edit
atchang_2001: Tse'nikani Scenic Byway DSC_3179
baldenbe (on/off): Escalator / Escalier Roulant
baldenbe (on/off): Typewriter / Machine à écrire
butephoto: Typewriter 1
shamela: Underwood Standard Typewriter
Zsaj: Well-read
Zsaj: Love-worn
p w jewitt: Plane Tree
Zsaj: Old books
Zsaj: Old typewriter
Zsaj: Old machine
bodiver: My naia model (explored)
bodiver: Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins (Naia)
Fellowship of the Rich: Blurry Lights of Christmas
kentokento: ga-young seeing us off
Boju: cyprus hill
gdogg: Northern California Hills
kejordan: gorilla
kejordan: IMG_5827
kejordan: icicles in sunlight