jrlowe3: The Quest for Golden Trout- c1996
jrlowe3: The Quest Crew c1996
jrlowe3: Doing what it takes to catch fish
jrlowe3: First SNP Brookie, First Trout on New Rod
jrlowe3: Stalking on Rapidan River, Va.
jrlowe3: Giant Golden
jrlowe3: Convict Creek
jrlowe3: Greenstone Lake
jrlowe3: McCloud Redband
jrlowe3: Peak and Moon
jrlowe3: Alpine Lake
jrlowe3: Cottonwood Lake #5
jrlowe3: Butterball Brown
jrlowe3: Cottonwood Golden and Cane Rod
jrlowe3: Convict Creek
jrlowe3: Dana Fork Brown
jrlowe3: Lake strain Lahontan Cutthroat
jrlowe3: Kern River Rainbow
jrlowe3: Crystal Crag Mammoth Crest
jrlowe3: Paiute Lacrosse
jrlowe3: Weir Pool
jrlowe3: South Fork of Cottonwood Creek
jrlowe3: Rock Creek
jrlowe3: Black Diamond Trout Society- Tehipite Crew
jrlowe3: Sherwin Lakes
jrlowe3: Me at the rim of Tehipite Valley
jrlowe3: Off shoot canyon
jrlowe3: Bernard hunting big trout in Tehipite Valley.
jrlowe3: Tehipite Dome
jrlowe3: T-Dome and MF Kings