JimLeach89: View down from half way up Háafell on to Djúpavík.
JimLeach89: View from Háafell onto Fýlsdalsfjall
JimLeach89: 5Inside the flooded herring-oil tank at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Inside the flooded herring-oil tank at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: View down from half way up Háafell on to Djúpavík.
JimLeach89: View down from half way up Háafell on to the fells behind Djúpavík.
JimLeach89: Inside the flooded herring-oil tank at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Inside of the dry herring-oil tank at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Inside of the dry herring-oil tank at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Inside of the dry herring-oil tank at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Outside of the dry herring-oil tank at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: View into the factory basement
JimLeach89: View into the factory basement
JimLeach89: 14Inside the factory at Djúpavík. Here is where Claus had his photography exhibition.
JimLeach89: Inside the factory at Djúpavík. Here is where Claus had his photography exhibition.
JimLeach89: Inside the factory at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Inside the factory at Djúpavík. Here is where Claus had his photography exhibition.
JimLeach89: Waterfall behind Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Freyja
JimLeach89: Freyja
JimLeach89: Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Djúpavík