JimLeach89: View of Ísafjörður
JimLeach89: View from the look out point at Ögurnes near Vigur island
JimLeach89: Flowers near the Nauteyrarlaug hot pot
JimLeach89: Wide view of the scenery at Nauteyrarlaug
JimLeach89: Factory and waterfall at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Boat and factory at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Factory at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Wide shot of the factory and bay at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Inside the factory at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Inside the factory at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Ladder on the factory at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: The only remains of the M/S Suðurland sitting at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: Part of the old herring factory at Djúpavík
JimLeach89: The summer solstice as seen from Munaðarnes, North of Djúpavík
JimLeach89: The summer solstice as seen from Munaðarnes, North of Djúpavík
JimLeach89: The summer solstice as seen from Munaðarnes, North of Djúpavík