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Stephen and Samantha's Wedding by Jim Leach
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Jim Leach
Mr Stephen Loneragan
Jim Leach
Mr and Mrs Loneragan
Jim Leach
Sam and Steve
Jim Leach
Best Man and God Fathers
Jim Leach
Steve and Ben
Jim Leach
Sam and the best brides-maid
Jim Leach
Peach and the bouquet
Jim Leach
A Serious Looking Sven and Becky
Jim Leach
The Best Men
Jim Leach
The Bride and her Men
Jim Leach
Mark and Kirsty
Jim Leach
Andy and Ben
Jim Leach
Steve in good humour
Jim Leach
Cool and the Gang
Jim Leach
There's always a joker
Jim Leach
Simon and Reema
Jim Leach
Emily and Dave
Jim Leach
Jim Leach
Emily and Natalie
Jim Leach
The Groom's Speech
Jim Leach
The Best Man's Speech
Jim Leach
Steve and Ben at Reception
Jim Leach
Emily pulls a face
Jim Leach
Dave's impressed with his fiance
Jim Leach
Jim Leach
Simon doing a Reema
Jim Leach
Cheese! - Natalie and Reema
Jim Leach
Dave and Emily
Jim Leach
Reema had seconds!
Jim Leach
Town goes for a mighty bite
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