jim hodgson: yay NAMM time!
jim hodgson: convention center!
jim hodgson: my rented mustang with the blown speakers
jim hodgson: the first booth i went into
jim hodgson: honk beep whirr clang bonk
jim hodgson: wikki wikki wikki i'm on drugs
jim hodgson: marshall marshall MARSHALL!
jim hodgson: why yes, i do have a fat bass
jim hodgson: OMG LASERS
jim hodgson: Jen testing the Meinl foot cabasa
jim hodgson: oh those meinl guys
jim hodgson: Jen in the Meinl booth
jim hodgson: wall of tuners
jim hodgson: Jay Nash
jim hodgson: Mike and his cajon and his cajones
jim hodgson: sweetest human being alive, Johnny Rabb!
jim hodgson: an enormous drum kit
jim hodgson: it's okay to clap, that's not how you get it
jim hodgson: watching some covers get mangled at a booth
jim hodgson: a sweet martin inlay
jim hodgson: idea center surroundings
jim hodgson: jen and mike at our tech test of our session
jim hodgson: thinking hard, wes looming
jim hodgson: Wes the Idea Center technical guy
jim hodgson: Tom Mike and Monica
jim hodgson: Daniel is on the case
jim hodgson: Everyone chatting it up
jim hodgson: the nessens
jim hodgson: we are the golf shirt team