jimgoldstein: Racetrack Light Lasso
jimgoldstein: Petrified Waves of Sand
jimgoldstein: Blue Angels - Fleet Week, San Francisco
jimgoldstein: Sinopah Mountain Reflected in Two Medicine Lake at Sunrise
jimgoldstein: Colorful Cumulus Clouds
jimgoldstein: Big Sur Coastline
jimgoldstein: Sinopah Mountain Reflected in Two Medicine Lake at Sunrise
jimgoldstein: Sinopah Mountain Reflected in Two Medicine Lake at Sunrise
jimgoldstein: Soaptree Yucca plant (Yucca elata)
jimgoldstein: Swiftcurrent Lake Panoramic, Glacier National Park
jimgoldstein: Mount Grinell Reflected in Swiftcurrent Lake at Sunrise
jimgoldstein: Blue Angels Fleet Week Performance In San Francisco
jimgoldstein: Monterey Bay Aquarium - Sea Nettles
jimgoldstein: Sea Nettle Jellyfish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
jimgoldstein: First Light, Two Medicine Lake
jimgoldstein: Lightning Strike - Henry Mountains, Utah
jimgoldstein: Decisions
jimgoldstein: Blue Angels at Fleet Week 2006
jimgoldstein: Hawaiian Trade Winds
jimgoldstein: Daybreak At Crater Lake
jimgoldstein: Crater Lake Reflection
jimgoldstein: Blue Angels Fleet Week 2007: Airbus A380
jimgoldstein: Passing Storm
jimgoldstein: White Sands Yardang
jimgoldstein: Primitive Coastline III
jimgoldstein: White Sands Juxtaposition
jimgoldstein: White Sands Monsoon Reflection II
jimgoldstein: Celestial Wind
jimgoldstein: San Francisco Beneath The Fog
jimgoldstein: Blue Angels at Fleet Week 2006